Obama supports same-sex marriage!

Yesterday, Obama stated that, “At a certain point, I’ve just concluded, that for me, personally, it is important for me to go ahead and affirm that I think same-sex couples should be able to get married.” Before this, he said things such as “my views on same-sex marriage is evolving” but he never came out and directly said that he supports gay marriage. My guess is that he did this to gain support from conservatives choosing between him and Mitt Romney. Although it is great that he supports same-sex marriage, many supporters may now turn to Mitt Romney!

What do you think about this?

Comment below and let me know!

Photo from google images!

Love yourself.. but which parts?

A lot of people say “you should love yourself” and “you should love who you are”. When people say this, are they referring to our looks, our personality, or both? When people talk about self-acceptance, I usually think about body image and confidence. However, lately I have been seeing things in a new light. Sometimes we forget to accept ALL parts of ourselves because we don’t find it as important. I hear people say things such as “I don’t hate myself, I just have a really big nose”. Saying things like this is doing the opposite of practicing radical self love. I saw this photo on the facebook page A girls guide to taking over the world, and it got me thinking.

This photo emphasizes accepting and appreciating ALL parts of our bodies! Parts of my bodies I never even thought about! But they DO deserve the same acceptance and appreciation.

I also came across this Laci Green video about boobs:


Laci talks about how our media has a warped perception about how boobs should look. There to big, there to small. To saggy, to perky. There not the right color. Our nipples are to big or to small, etc. The porn industry specifically as a set idea of how boobs are supposed to look. All boobs are different! This is something I never even thought about, but that part us female-bodied people is just as important to accept!

I also came across this photo on the page, The body is not an apology.

This photo is about accepting your Labia! (If you have one)!

These are things I have never even put much thought into, although I have felt self-concious about these parts of my body, it never seemed to matter.

I am realizing that it DOES matter and there isn’t one right way for our bodies to look!

What do you think? Comment below and let me know!


The problem with skinny bashing

Many of you may have hard of fat shaming, making someone feel ugly, unaccomplished, stupid, lazy, or bad because of their weight. Fat shaming is perpetuating the idea that it is your fault if you are bigger, and it invalidates your accomplishments. I have always been against fat shaming, and I thought it was interesting when I came across an article about “skinny bashing”. Although its great to see that our culture is slowly becoming more accepting towards more full-figured body types, it is NOT good to see skinnier body types being put down. Since our media portrays slim folks as more attractive, worthy,etc, some people have gone as far as to flip this stereotype, and try to make skinny people feel unattractive or unworthy. This totally defeats the purpose of body acceptance and just makes it okay for people to judge eachothers bodies. I have seen this photo all over social networking sites, and I found this photo on google images:

At first I liked this picture, but now I am putting some more thought into it. This photo glorifies one body type to put down another. It is nice to see curvier women being portrayed as attractive, but the skinnier woman is being put down! We don’t know their health. We don’t know who eats the healthiest by looking at them, and we can’t determine that the woman on the right is unhealthy just because she is thin! Instead of putting down a certain kind of body type to validate another, we should be more accepting of ALL bodies.

What do you think about this? Comment below and let me know!

One of the hugest misconceptions about sex..

I love this video (and Laci Green)! It is informative, educational, and entertaining. Most people I know have the misconception that female-bodied people must “pop” their cherries. However, the hymen is NOT a thin layer of skin covering the vagina, as people think. The hymen simply stretches, it does not pop or break. Re-educate yourself with Laci Green! She makes videos about sex, sexuality, relationships, and more! I hope this was informative!

What do you think? Comment below and let me know!

Photo of Laci from google images!

Is Facebook responsible for body issues?

Today I was reading an article on Jezebel  titled “Blame Facebook Photo Tagging For Your Weird Body Issues.” According to a recent study, photo tagging over facebook can make us develop insecurities about our bodies due to spending excessive time online. Facebook doesn’t only make people more conscious of their bodies, and every “flaw” they can find, but it also can make folks feel as if they MUST be in a photo every time they attend a social event. Almost half of the people who took the survey claimed that they feel pressured to be “camera ready” when going out to a party or social gathering. More than half of the people who took the survey reported that their friends facebook posts and photos make them jealous! I never really thought about it, but for some people, facebook gets competitive! Instead of using it as a way to keep up with friends and share, it has become a competition, to get the most “likes” on your photo or status. Dr. Harry Brandt, director for The Center for Eating Disorders at Sheppard Pratt, says: “Facebook is making it easier for people to spend more time and energy criticizing their own bodies and wishing they looked like someone else. In this age of modern technology and constant access to SmartPhones and the internet, it’s becoming increasingly difficult for people to remove themselves from images and other triggers that promote negative body image, low self-esteem and may ultimately contribute to eating disorders.” I find this very interesting, and somewhat true! I have found myself looking through someones photos on a social networking site, wishing I could look like them. What do you think about this? Do you agree? Comment below and let me know!

Photo from google images!

“Consent is hot, assault is not”

I thought I would write this article because many people don’t seem to understand sexual consent, and just consent in general. People tend to assume that just because someone isn’t saying no, it means that they are saying yes. It can be akward and a little weird at first to ask your partner for consent, but is important, and it should take place every time. Here are some ideas of things to say/ask before taking part in sexual activity:

  • I’d like to talk about this first.
  • What’s your favorite safe word?
  • What positions do you like?
  • Are you okay with this?
  • What turns you on?
  • Do you like it when I…?
  • If you change your mind, I’ll stop.
  • I liked that last time.. now I’m not in the mood.
  • Do you have any trigger points?
  • If you’re into that I could..
  • May I?

It is important to keep in mind that any individual can change their mind at any time during sexual activity. They should never feel pressured or forced in any way. Make sure the person you are with is comfortable and ready!

If you are interested in learning more about sexual consent, check out Fuck Yeah Consent.

Photo from Google Images!

What do you think? What are your experiences with consent? Comment below and let me know!

Facebook is gender and hetero-normative..

Today I was reading the article “Choose One” and it really got me thinking. On facebook, as well as almost all other social networking sites, assumptions are mad regarding sexuality and gender. The only options that you can be “interested in” are male and female. You can pick one, or both. What about neither? What about ALL genders? The gender options are limited to female and male, and you HAVE to select one. As Max Wilcox says, “I see no need for Facebook to know what is in my pants, but that’s what they ask everyone that signs up.” The world around us is increasingly accepting of a spectrum of sexual orientations and gender identities, but Facebook is still sticking to outdated, problematic paradigms (Rutherford.) Its not only facebook, but applications, tests, and almost anything else you have to fill out. It has always made me uncomfortable seeing the two boxes, and having to choose one. I always wonder, why does it even matter? Why do they want to know? I know people who have restrained from getting ID’s and Driver’s licenses because of the gender factor they face when they do so. For some people, this issue might not affect them at all, but for others it is very emotionally stressful. It is just a reminder of how hetero and gender normative the majority of our society is, disregarding all other identities. I think this is something EVERYONE should care about. Just because you are cisgender and it doesn’t matter to you, this problem affects thousands of others on a daily basis. There is a quote on the Geurilla Feminism page that I think relates to this. “I support safe spaces. Because America is already a safe space for white, cisgender, middle class, heterosexual males, and I don’t fit under all those catergories. Because we may have a black president, but we are not post racism. Because you may have a Gay best friend, we are not post-Homophobia. Because everyone may be created equal, but that doesn’t mean everyone is treated equally. Because privilege exists. Ignoring the  fact makes you part of the problem, not part of the solution.” This is a reminder that being an ally isn’t about comparing your oppression with my oppression, its not about comparing who has it harder. Just because you have been opressed, that doesn’t make you any less responsible for the  marginalization of others. We need to work together, because being an ally is about caring about the issues that affect us, and the ones that don’t, to. What do you think about this? Have you ever thought about gender and sexuality regarding social networking sites? Comment below and let me know!

If only the options could be like this:

Photo from facebook!

Thanks for reading! (:

Bad Picture Monday

On the page “The body is not apology”, we do bad picture Monday. Bad picture Monday is every Monday! The purpose of it is to post a photo of yourself that you find unflattering or unattractive. That might seem a bit strange.Why would you post a photo of yourself that you DON’T like? Because,

The purpose is to love ourselves and our bodies unconditionally, no matter what. That INCLUDES “bad” pictures, because it encourages us to remember that we have nothing to apologize for or be ashamed of. The point is to practice radical self love !

I LOVE bad picture Monday now! Here are some Bad Picture Monday Photos:


Yeahahha!! What do you think about Bad Picture Monday? Comment below and let me know!